Monday, April 5, 2021

Fig Pancakes - Video Recipe

My favorite jam is chunky Fig Jam and I'll add a new pancake favorite, Fig Pancakes.

California is not the cheapest place to get them, but sometimes they show up at my local 99c only Store. What I see much more often are dried figs. 

Even dry, the figs are still fairly moist like giant raisins and can be used for my Fig Pancake recipe.

It's surprising figs are not cheap here as I have lived on streets that have fig trees and they are very prolific with hundreds of fruit per tree. Maybe it's because the fruit is so delicate?

But recently I found a tree a few streets away in my present neighborhood. Once they start to ripen you have a week or so to pick the fruit before it rots and ants and flying insects get their share.

Figs are ripe when soft and sweet. The flesh inside is fragrant and loaded with small strawberry-like seeds. I eat the skin and all but do remove a stem if attached.

I've seen green figs that stay green when ripe and other green figs that turn dark brown or black when ripe. 

Ripe figs are very sweet at their peak. They are also juicy and sticky and will burst open where pressed. They can get a bit mushy so you have to slice them carefully.

For the pancake batter, I use a commercial brand. If you have a homemade recipe then use it. I can get a large box of dry pancake batter at my local 99c only Store or Dollar Tree. Regular grocery stores sell it cheap enough, too.

So start your day right, with my super-sweet cheap$kate breakfast of Fig Pancakes.

Fig Pancakes - Video
Play it here, video runs 1 minute, 55 seconds.

My YouTube video link for viewing or embedding, just click here.

The box directions above mention the cooking time to brown each side as 1.5 minutes each....hmmm, they must be using a super hot pan!

Ingredients (2 servings, using a pancake mix)
  • 1 cup pancake mix - any favorite
  • 3/4 cup water - okay to use milk for a richer pancake batter.
  • 1 to 2 figs per Pancake - sliced. Enough slices to cover with batter. Okay to slice or roughly chop figs.
  • 1 tablespoon of cooking oil - to grease skillet. Add more when needed, depending on how many pancakes you make.
  • Butter and your favorite Pancake Syrup - add as much as you like.

Prepare pancake batter according to package directions. My pancake mix calls for 1 cup of flour and 3/4 cup of water.

Mix pancake ingredients in a bowl. When mixed it will be like thick gravy.

Rinse and carefully slice ripe figs, remove the stem if necessary. I like a thick slice so usually, I get about 3 slices per fig. Okay to roughly chop figs

Start to heat the pan over medium/low heat. Arrange figs on a lightly oiled grill or frying pan. Pour on the pancake batter.

Brown each side of the pancake. Mine took about 2-3 minutes for each side. It really depends on how hot your pan gets. The box directions above mention the cooking time to brown each side as 1.5 minutes each....hmmm, they must be using a super hot pan!

If you want a dark brown pancake presentation, then just cook one side to get the right amount of brown, then cook the other side for a minute, to finish. Serve browned side up, on the plate.

I serve Fig Pancakes hot with melted butter and your favorite pancake syrup.

1 comment:

  1. I'm impressed , can't wait to try it ! I prefer waffles so I'll be adding figs to them !!
