Monday, December 22, 2008

A Tipsy Tree Trimming - Eggnog Recipe Video

Store-bought Eggnog is too sweet and rich for The 99 Cent Chef, so he came up with a delicious recipe that uses 2% milk and a minimum amount of sugar.

This recipe is a simple and festive start-up to your holiday; especially tasty when trimming your tree.

However be careful and do not get carried away -- those small airline bottles of booze mixed into an egg nog carry a kick, as the second half of the Chef's new video will attest.

Each ingredient costs 99.99 cents or less, even some of the airline bottles (though the Lauder's Scotch in the video was $1.29 a bottle), and dried spices are always for sale at local dollar stores and markets.

Lately, I've been buying vegetarian Eggnog, while not 99 cents, it's not outrageously expensive. They are not as sweet as the dairy version and taste similar to regular Eggnog and are creamy, too.

But for the real thing check out my recipe for a tasty and lighter version of Eggnog. So pour yourself a 99 cent Homemade Eggnog and enjoy the Chef's new value-added two videos in one.

Eggnog Recipe and A Tipsy Tree Trimming - Video
Play it here. The video runs 5 minutes 19 seconds.
Happy Holidays!
Click here to view or embed video at youtube.
One ornament was broken and two fuses were blown in the making of this video.

Ingredients (2 servings)
  • 3 cups of 2% milk - or 2 cups milk and 1 cup of half and half cream for a richer nog.
  • 4 egg yolks - OK to reduce this amount to 3 yolks for an even lighter version.
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar - or a sugar substitute.
  • 1/4 teaspoon each of nutmeg, vanilla extract and cinnamon.
  • 1 airline 99 cent bottle of rum, Scotch, or brandy.
Heat 3 cups of milk over low/medium heat (do not boil) until it begins a low simmer - about 3-5 minutes.

While the milk heats up, separate egg yolks in a bowl, add sugar and whisk together for a minute to mix well. 

Add one cup of the heated milk to the yolk mixture a little at a time while whisking. 

After milk/egg is incorporated, return milk and egg to the heating pot of milk and continue cooking. 

Make sure egg nog does not boil and keep lightly whisking. The Eggnog will thicken slightly after about 10 minutes. The longer you simmer the Eggnog the thicker it will get, as it reduces.

Turn off the heat and set aside. If you can enjoy the egg nog warm - or you can refrigerate it for later. The Eggnog mixture will finish thickening as it cools down to a milkshake consistency. 

Add as much or as little of an airline bottle of booze as suits your taste - my Homemade Eggnog is good with or without alcohol.


  1. You rule, 99 Chef!
    Happy Holidays to you!

  2. Too much work for this cheapskate - use the store bought eggnog, thin it down a bit with dollar store milk, and add some more spices: Cinnamon, Nutmeg are the easy ones, then go for broke with Chinese 5-spice, Mace, Ginger, Coriander, Cardamom, or for a one of a kind taste try fennel or anise (star anise if you can find it). Most of these would take only a tiny bit and add a unique spin that sets your cooking apart from everyone else. Be brave, experiment! (just remember to start small - easier to add more than try to take too much out)
