Monday, March 1, 2021

Cheapest Stir Fry - Chicken, Carrot & Cabbage

I out-cheaped myself this time! Chicken is the cheapest meat, and carrot and cabbage are about the cheapest veggies -- put them in a stir fry and you have my latest recipe video in living orange and green. Not only is it cheap but my Chicken, Carrot & Cabbage Stir Fry is delish.

Buy skinless and boneless chicken and it comes together super-fast. Bone-in chicken is cheaper. Chicken breast isn't hard to debone at all. 

A dark meat leg quarter is a little trickier to do but give it a go sometime. 

I have a local Latin market that sells chicken so cheap it hurts.

All you gotta do is chop a carrot and half a head of cabbage. Go ahead and make the veggie slices big and fat so it's quicker to do. Be as lazy as you want to be for this recipe.

You can get cheap carrots and cabbage at any grocery store.

I cook the chicken first until just done then push it aside. Next, saute veggies for just a couple minutes if you like them crunchy, or go for 4 minutes well done.

Finally bring it all together with Asian flavors including, ginger, oyster sauce, and soy sauce. I find powdered ginger works fine if you don't have fresh. I also add chopped garlic, but garlic powder is fine.

Stir, heat through and you are ready to eat. I like my Chicken, Carrot & Cabbage Stir Fry served over steamed white or brown rice.

Chicken, Carrot & Cabbage Stir Fry - Video

Play it here, video runs 3 minutes, 51 seconds.

My YouTube video link for viewing or embedding, just click here.


  • 2 Cups Chicken - cubed. White or dark meat. Add as much or as little as you like. 
  • 1 Carrot - chopped in large or small chunks. Okay to use packaged grated carrot.
  • Cabbage - half a head. Remove wilted or brown outer leaves if necessary. Cut away the stem from the bottom if you use the lower half of the cabbage. Okay to use a package of Coleslaw mix. 
  • 1 teaspoon Ginger - raw or dried.
  • 1 teaspoon Garlic - chopped or dried.
  • 1 tablespoon Oyster Sauce - optional. Okay to use a favorite stir fry sauce, like Sweet and Sour.
  • 1 teaspoon Soy Sauce
  • 1 teaspoon Sesame Oil - okay to use any favorite vegetable oil for stir-frying chicken.


If you are serving my stir fry with cooked rice you should have it cooked and heating. This stir fry barely takes 10 minutes to do.

For stir-frying you want to have all the chicken and veggies sliced and chopped, as this recipe comes together rather quickly.

Add sesame oil to a medium/hot frying pan or wok. Add sliced chicken and stir fry until done about 5 minutes.

Push aside chicken (okay to remove) and add chopped carrot and cabbage.

Stir fry veggies to desired tenderness. If you like them crunchy, a couple minutes is enough time. For well-done veggies give them 3 to 5 minutes of sauteing.

Now bring it all together with chopped garlic and ginger.

Finally, add oyster sauce and soy sauce. Mix well, you just want to reheat it for a minute. 

I like to serve the Chicken, Carrot & Cabbage Stir Fry over steamed rice to soak up the sauce.

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