This just in -- the 99c only Store is soon the 99.99c only Store. Is The 99 Cent Chef allowed to use ingredients that cost 99.99 cents?
Let me know with a comment.
Next up is a new video. Who are The 99 Cent Chef visitors? Well, the Chef is watching with a free visitor tracking service called Site Meter. Don't worry, this service does not show your email address, it only shows the visitor's state and country of origin, time and length of visit, and how many blog pages were viewed. Sometimes a business or government name is shown -- like Wal-Mart, Harvard University, or even The House of Representatives. The Chef's only real contact with visitors is when they kindly leave a comment, otherwise he has to use his imagination, and that is what his new video series is about. The first "Visitors" video is called "The 99 Cent Chef Goes To Jail." Be sure to check back to see what the Chef and his 99 Cent Players have in store for you !!
1 comment:
Pasadena Adjacent
yes, go on doing what you do. When I post my 99.999 cent dinner, I'll be sure to link to you.
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