Tuesday, August 6, 2019

My Morning Coffee with White Castle - Video

I like my first groggy-eyed cup of coffee with buns. Just read on to see what I mean.

No fresh ground Starbucks left, maybe there's some old Folgers in the can way back in the cupboard. None left in the can, how about a couple of spoonfuls of freeze dried? No freeze dried, either...so how low can I go?

This seems to be an ongoing problem in the Cheap$kate Kitchen. You can see how I've dealt with this conundrum before by clicking here. And, I'm sure it will happen again!

Along with my desperate search for coffee grounds, I run across the remnants of the previous evenings' dinner of White Castle Hamburgers. The fast-food chain is strictly Mid-West and East Coast located - we don't have them out here in Los Angeles.

But you can get them frozen from deli cases from regular grocery chains, and at my local Dollar Tree, two burgers for a buck. They are more like small sliders with a sprinkling of chopped onion on a thin beef patty, between dinner roll buns. Nothing to them, but I've find them addicting.

I also will indulge once in a while and get a couple at my fave art-house movie theater, The New Beverly Cinema in West Hollywood. It's the only place I know of that sells them.

You can get them plain or with cheese. They zap them in the microwave for a couple minutes and then it's time to chow down.

Now, what the heck do White Castle Hamburgers have to do with my first cup of coffee?

Well, just watch the Caffeinated Chef  in action and you'll see what I mean!

My Morning Coffee - Video

Play it here. video runs 1 minute 41 seconds.

My YouTube video link for viewing or embedding, just click here.

1 comment:

girlygirl said...

White Castle has amazing donuts. They are individually wrapped and look cute as heck. That a cup of their coffee- Heaven!

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