Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Grilled Pork Tenderloin Tomahawk - Video Recipe

 I buy aged meat. Well, I assume that when I get discounted meat from the grocer's bargain bin that it's old...or like I tell my cheap$kate self, "It's aged!"

When I saw a Pork Tenderloin Tomahawk for nearly half-price I jumped on it. Now, if the pork steak was gray in color I would have thought twice, but this pork loin was lightly pink like a regular raw pork chop.

And how did my Grilled Pork Tenderloin Tomahawk turn out? Damn good! It was moist and flavorful with a smoky barbecue charred flavor. And just by chance a friend dropped by and I served him half of it -- he raved how delicious and moist it was.

The cut of meat is a bone-in rib steak. It is a large, thick steak with some fat for extra flavor.

When I grill a steak I like it charred or well done on at least one side. When I cook the other side I usually don't worry about how charred it is. I just stop grilling when it is done to my liking. And, don't forget to let the grilled steak sit a couple of minutes before digging in so the juices redistribute and leave you with a moist steak.

If you serve the steak with the charred side showing, then it doesn't matter if the other side is as charred. 

If you have a really hot fire then you can easily get an even char on both sides of the steak.

I tend to grill a pork steak more well done than a beef steak. The recommended internal temperature of cooked pork is at least 145 degrees measured in the thickest part of the steak. I like to slice into my pork steak and look for clear juices (no pink), just to make sure.

I seasoned the Pork Tenderloin Tomahawk simply with black pepper and Cajun Seasoning (usually consisting of dried garlic, chile powder, and salt).

Click on any photo to see larger.

I often slather on BBQ Sauce, but I wanted to see how the Pork Tomahawk tastes on its own with minimal seasoning.

I was quite impressed by how tasty this thick pork steak was. If a Pork Tenderloin Tomahawk shows up again I would not hesitate to buy it...from the bargain bin, that is. 

Grilled Pork Tenderloin Tomahawk - VIDEO

Play it here, video runs 1 minute, 41 seconds.

My YouTube video link for viewing or embedding, just click here.


  • Pork Loin Tomahawk Steak - this steak was 1 pound in weight.
  • Cajun Seasonings - 1 tablespoon. Okay to use salt or any favorite seasonings.
  • Black Pepper - 1 tablespoon.


Season Pork Loin Tomahawk with Cajun Seasonings and black pepper. Okay to use just salt and pepper or any favorite seasonings. 

I use an outdoor butane grill. Okay to use an indoor frying pan or broil it in the oven.

I like to char one side of Pork Loin Tomahawk for the longest time, then finish it on the other side quickly until done. 

This is how I cook meat on a gas grill. I like to brown one side only and cook on the other side until done.

Grill about 5 to 10 minutes on one side until charred brown.

Grill the other side until done, about 3-5 minutes.

Internal temperature is about 145 degrees when done. Take the Grilled Pork Loin Tomahawk off the grill and allow it to rest a couple of minutes so the juices redistribute and moisten the meat even more.

*Cooking time will vary depending on the thickness of the steak and the heat of the grill.

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