What to bring to this bloggers picnic get together? A 99.99 Cent White Wine Tasting, of course. The Chef struck white liquid gold at his local 99.99c only Store yesterday; an abundance of wine "Deals of the Day". There are 5 different white wines to choose from right now -- from "Yelcho" Chilean Sauvignon Blanc to "Lindon Estates" North Coast (California) Chardonnay. For the wine winning results you have to watch the Chef's wine tasting video. Special 99 thanks to hosts Arron "The Proc" Proctor and Frazgo, the brave blogging 99.99 cent wine tasters and Monrovia's Aztec Hotel and Brass Elephant for hosting the event.
Reviewed white wines are: Yelcho, Chilean Sauvignon Blanc - Queen of Hearts, Los Alamos Chardonnay - Linden Estates, North Coast Chardonnay - Thirsty Fish, Central Coast Chardonnay.
Blogger Wine Tasting Video
Play it here. The video runs 4 minutes 45 seconds.
Play it here. The video runs 4 minutes 45 seconds.
The 99.99c Wine Tasting Bloggers:
Debbi Swanson Patrick -- altadenaaboveitall.wordpress.com
Kelly -- West Coast Grrlie Blather (grrl.wordpress.com)
JSF -- valley-of-the-shadow.blogspot.com
Frazgo -- frazgomeanders.blogspot.com and frazgofeasting.blogspot.com
Arron "The Proc" Proctor
Go here to embed or view video at youtube.
Kelly -- West Coast Grrlie Blather (grrl.wordpress.com)
JSF -- valley-of-the-shadow.blogspot.com
Frazgo -- frazgomeanders.blogspot.com and frazgofeasting.blogspot.com
Arron "The Proc" Proctor
Go here to embed or view video at youtube.