It features Kentucky Fried Chicken's deliciously distracting 99 cent Snacker sandwich, part of KFC's value menu offerings. A favorite of The Chef's, this drive-thru deep-fried delicacy has the classic batter coating KFC is justly famous for. I stay away from the frou-frou toppings, including spicy Buffalo or barbeque sauce; they only serve to make the crusty batter soggy.

A tender white meat fillet topped with a black pepper/mayo spread and shredded lettuce, and nestled in a sesame seed dinner roll-sized bun, KFC's Snacker is a tasty budget classic worth a quick freeway-exit snack stop.
However, like McDonalds' lawsuit- inducing hot coffee, KFC's Snacker provides the main ingredient to a video cautionary tale*. The following should be mandatory viewing for all DMV auto license applicants and high school student drivers! So buckle-up and take a cruise with The 99 Cent Chef.
Oh Billy, fried meat and white bread! The diabletes/cancer will kill you if the car wreck doesn't!
Nicely done! And also very funny!
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