To quote a comment on the Beer Advocate website: "Poured a medium straw hue with a one finger foamy white head. There was decent retention and lacing. The smell featured a light doughy malt and a smattering of flowery hop. The taste was well balanced and consisted of some soft bready malts and light balancing hops. Pleasant residual sweetness. The mouthfeel was toward the fuller side for the style with a touch of creaminess. Overall a tasty lager."
The Chef could not say it better.
Allow the Chef to leave you with this ancient Irish song:

In Heaven there is no beer
That's why we drink it here
And when we're all gone from here
Our friends will be drinking all the beer.
In Heaven there is no wine
So we drink till we feel fine
And when we leave this all behind
Our friends will be drinking all the wine.
In Heaven there is no fear
So we worry too much here
And we drink ourselves full of beer
To help us when we deal with the fear."
See you at The Tam O'Shanter.
Note: Not all 99c only Stores sell alcohol and just last week La Crosse was 2 for 99 cents.
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