Wednesday, January 1, 2020

My Top 9 Recipes of 2019

As for year-end lists, my Top 9 Recipes of 2019 is one you can really sink your teeth into. And all of my top picks are deliciously cheap to make. Just click on any recipe name to see the original 2019 blogpost for tasty photos and my money-saving tips, and be sure to play any embedded video below. The ranking order is random and not by delectability, so go ahead and dig in!

1. Mango Pancakes
Let's start with breakfast. I love mangos and have a few recipes that feature them. One of my faves is to just slice out the soft and sweet flesh to add in a pancake batter. I add the slices directly on the griddle then pour on the pancake batter - the better to caramelize the sugary mango!

2. Mango Salsa
When I bring this to a party, along with tortilla chips, my Mango Salsa is the first pot luck dish to disappear. If you don't believe me try it when your next party invitation comes in!

3. Gazpacho - vegan soup
For chilled veggie soup on a hot summer day and all you need is a blender. Attention all you home gardeners and foragers of your local farmers market and roadside veggie stands -- this recipe is for you and it's vegan! Roughly chop bell pepper, onion, garlic, cucumber, and a whole lotta tomato. Add it to a blender and pour in olive oil (or any fragrant favorite veggie oil) and blend until smooth. Serve cold or at room temperature.

4. Mushrooms Sauteed in Coconut Oil
Keepin' it vegan, mushrooms sauteed in tasty oil is a simply luscious recipe. My local 99c only Store carried all kinds of mushroom this year including shiitake, oyster and even portabella. Of course, use any cheap ones you find like white or brown button mushrooms.

5. Easy Smoked Ribs
Going from vegan to meaty in a minute, I've finally gotten around this year to BBQ Ribs! Do check out the video below and watch my easy smoking version. The main trick is to bake ribs wrapped in foil until tender, then give them a quick hour smoke on the gas grill - that's how I do it. Hey, you can just bake them with your fave BBQ sauce and stop right there.

6. Black Pepper Chicken - Panda Express Ripoff Recipe
Boy, is this recipe cheap! Poultry is the least expensive meaty protein and the veggie accompaniment is cheap celery. This stir fry I ripped off from Panda Express, a local fast-food Chinese restaurant, does use more expensive purple onion, but it will taste just as good with budget yellow or white onion.

7. Mom's Cherry Pie
Pay attention to this recipe as I do not do desserts very often, but don't worry about my lack of baking prowess, as my Mom takes the reigns of this recipe. Mom makes a homemade crust, but you can buy a frozen one from your local grocery store. And she uses canned cherries, so anyone can make my Mom's delicious dessert.

8. Mom's Chili-Cheese Enchiladas
Mom's recipes are always on my Top 9 Recipes list and this one is a childhood favorite of mine. My highschool buddy Marvin would always "just show up" when Mom made a platter of gooey cheesy Enchiladas. And he makes a return visit to Mom's kitchen one more time in the video below. Check it out and see what my whacked-out flashback enchilada version of tasting a Madeline cookie in Proust's "Remembrance of Things Past" brings.

9. Deep-Fried Frog Legs - with the Swamp Chef
Let's wrap up the year-end rundown with my most outrageous recipe of the year! You probably won't cook one yourself, so at least watch how it's done. And believe it or not, but frog legs kinda taste like chicken! Allow my brother from another daddy, the Swamp Chef, to get the tasty cooking details from my Cajun nephew Chef Matt. And be sure to watch the video all the way to the end where green swamp croakers get their revenge!

It has been a fruitfully abundant year of recipes here at the Cheap$kate Chateau. I did the heavy lifting for you, so now all you have to do is pick a recipe link and save yourself some hard-earned cash by trying out any of the above. And if you have a favorite recipe of mine, then leave a comment to share.

And make sure to keep checking in here from time to time. I create yummy-looking blog posts with a dollop of humor, and while my tastes are cheap, my recipe flavors are top shelf !


Shay said...

Love the black pepper chicken! I've been making this ever since you first posted this recipe. Thanks, Chef, for helping me to create my favorite Panda Express dish at home!

99 Cent Chef said...

Yes! I'm making this recipe tomorrow -- still a fave.

Julie said...

I made your mom's enchiladas, and they're really good. They do taste exactly like the enchiladas you can still get at non-fancy Tex-Mex restaurants. I also make her mini pecan pies every year and ship them to my son for Thanksgiving.

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